January 30, 2021 karla

Here is a list of important dates during the Tax Season to consider:

Key filing season dates

There are several important dates taxpayers should keep in mind for this year’s filing season:


  • April 15. Deadline for filing your personal tax return [ date may change if the 15% falls on a Saturday or Sunday]


              • Visit IRS gov to verify dates o call our office at 425-212-5950


  • October 15. End of Deadline to file for those taxpayers that requested an extension on their tax returns.


  • March 15. Deadline to file your Company Tax Report [Corporation, Partnership, or LLC with tax treatment of an S-corporation]


  • September 15. End of deadline to file your company tax report [Corporation/Partnership/ S-Corporation]


              • Extension to File gives the taxpayer additional time to submit financial information to IRS but not payments.  Taxes owed must be paid by the annual deadline (April15th).


  • File Extension. If you are not ready to file by the deadline of March 15h for your corporation or April 15% for your personal tax report, make sure to file an extension.

Talk to your tax preparer to assist you @ 425-212-5950


              • Extension to File gives the taxpayer 6 additional months to submit financial information to IRS but not payments.  Taxes owed must be paid by the annual deadline (April15th).